Friday, May 14, 2010

day today..

I cut my hair todaaay..yay!!
I'll post it sooner or later. you'll see..
Actually deep-deep inside my heart I feel a bit sad.
Looking at my pretty long hair, cut into a short bob style.
I look like ChibimarukoChan when I show it to Ibuk, my friend from highschool..
My purpose on cuttiing my hair is that I wanna get older look on me. I want others to see me as a big girl(at least).
Haaaah~~fine lah! I can work on it later anyway. Hope this will get longer faster.

That's all for today. I'm pretty sleepy already..hehe


Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday Night.(or Saturday?)

Sabtu kemaren, gue jln ama ank2 manado (friends from another island (omg im exaggerating)) ke TA.

Rencana awal hari itu, sore2 gw ama Brigitte pgn foto2 d taman prumahan gt. Buuutt, secara gw bangun kesorean alias uda sore dan hr itu mendung berhujan berintik. Kayanya jd ogah2an jg. Eheh, sudden2ly.. Si gaby ngjk Brigitte buat ngjk gw jg jalan (ribet bgt dah).. First destination TA!! uwooo how can I ignore that!?!? I love going out and hanging out and out of the box (apadah!) pkonya yg out2 deh..hehe
Meskipun keadaan keuangan kurang mendukung. Tp y sudahlah.. WTV fufufu. Gwpun lgsg bersiap2 dandan make up dan everything..

Pertama si Gabz pgn mkn martabak d ruko Gading Serpong. Okee.. And we didn't forget to take some picts while waiting..

That's gabzz.. and mee.. in her lovelovelyy carr..

Then at TA. We're like craving for food. Soo, gabz and I decided to eat at Pancious. Lmyn mahal buat kondisi keduitan tp y sdhlah. I don't want to be too choosy.

And there we are, me with bad hair day. And gabz with unblow hair which looks great but she still thinks that it's bad!!

Abis makan2 kt ktmuan ma Indry and Ira dan teman2nya di Donner Kebab dan disitulah si Brigitte mengisi perutnya krn dia ga mkn di Pancious. Gw yg ky kambing cengok kga nangkep mrk ngmg apa nyerocos pake bhs manado.. =p

Inilah cewek2 yg pergi ama gw hari Sabtu malam.. Dan gw sebatang kara yg non-manado..zzz

Indry, gw dan Brigitte.. The three of us has spent lots of time hanging out together..
Love yaaa!! mwaaachh

Setelah berfoto2 ria di dpn TA ky org ga pnh k TA, tmn si Gabz dtg and jmpt gw ma Briggite buat lanjut ke Kemang. And the rest were ready to back to Serpong buat ngasi surprise ke another manado friend of us yg lagi hari jadii..

Ke Kemang, kt lanjut ke Splash. Nongkrong di tmp where we were not belong in. Bayangin aja tmn si Gaby pny tmn org Korea, nama aja gw ga tw gt. Ikut aja kt nimbrung d sana.. Oke bgt dah.. zzz... Secara dia ultah (juga) jd y uda kt mnm2.

Lanjut ke Senayan. Rencana mau ke X2. Eh tny malu bgt ga sih kt ga blh masuk. Since it's my first time going (even planning to enter) to the club I was like a stupid little lamb doesn't know anything!! Tmn2 yg uda dgn pedenya nunjukin ktp kartu tanda penduduk yg gw blm pny.. Akhirnya kt berlama2 di sana entah menunggu apa gw jg ga ngrti. Dan end up ttp ga blh masuk. okelah! Hate u X2 and those who don't allow us to enter. Padahal gw liat bnyk bgt artis2 masuk uiiih..ngarep bgt dah..hhhaha

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I found an interesting quote from a website I drop on..

It says:
When you put a mask. You feel like a weirdo..
You can do anything you want and no one will ever know.
Nasir Mazhar-

Love the quote!!

A Heart to Return

I have only feel this feeling when I was with you..
A peace-love-joy..
I wish I could return back the time.
If I could, I wouldn't have done this thing.
I won't give up on you so easily..
I won't just break it up so easy..

I'll try to hold you..
Though I know I might not be the best for you..
Though I know you might cheated on me..
Though I know you might have a crush on another bitch..
I'll keep you stay with me..

But it's all happen and nothing I could do to redo it..
I know it's impossible to build the relation again..
I know it's hard to stay in touch with you again..
That was my mistake. And this is my destiny..

I just hope that someday, you might fall for me again..
If it's possible.
Or just stay in touch with me..

Or will I get a better person than you are..
I wish I know..
I wish I deserve second chance..
To be with someone I could hold on..